Frequently asked questions

What is Telehealth, also known as Teletherapy?

It is using telecommunication to provide psychotherapy from a distance. The way we do Telehealth at Conscious Love Counseling is by using the platform Zoom. I will send you a link the day prior to our session, and you will simply need to download the Zoom app on your electronic device and click on the link at the time of our appointment. In my experience, this is a wonderful and convenient way to attend counseling sessions and overcome distance.

Is the quality care through Telehealth the same as in person?

The answer is yes! The dynamics and processes necessary for psychotherapy are still present virtually, and I can offer great quality work as if we were in an office.

What will be discussed during the free phone consultation?

We will discuss the reasons for seeking counseling, as well as your expectations from it. During our 15 minute phone call consultation, you can ask me any questions you have in regards to counseling or my therapy approach, and see if I can be a right fit for you.

What happens if we’re not the right fit?

That’s okay, it happens! This doesn’t mean that therapy isn’t for you, that’s why I will do my best to connect you with another therapist who can best help you achieve your goals.


Payment is collected at the time of the session. You can pay the session fee through my HIPAA compliant credit card processing: Ivy Pay. An invoice will be sent to your email so that you can complete the payment.


Cancellations and rescheduling of sessions can be done 24 hours prior to the session. Otherwise, you’ll be billed for the full session (exceptions are made on a case-to case basis, I understand that there are extenuating circumstances including illness or emergencies).